thank you notes

April 20, 2012

I recently received the kindest thank you note in the mail the other day and it completely brightened my day. Recently I've seen tons of blogs doing little notes posts, so I thought I'd partake and write some lovely little notes to thank some  important things in my life right now...

Dear Sun,
Thank you for finally gracing us with your presence. I hope you will stay awhile and let me soak up your rays this weekend. My skin is in dire need of some color.

Dear Man Who Let Me Into Traffic,
Thank you for restoring my hope in drivers' abilities to merge. I am always amazed when people do not let others in when two lanes are clearly supposed to merge, so your kind wave to let me in today really made my day.

Dear PB&J Sandwich,
I know I should have stopped eating you for lunch in the 5th grade, but you are just so darn tasty I can't help myself. Thank you for being so simple to make yet so delicious.

Dear Internet,
I do not like it when you stop working and I have a very tight deadline to meet. Next time you decide to quit on me please give me a heads up so I don't get yelled at. Thank you (jerk..)

Dear Grey Pencil Skirt,
I'm sorry I've been neglecting you the past 4 months by not getting you dry cleaned. You are so darn comfy and stylish, I don't know what I was thinking by keeping you hidden. Thank you for making me look like a very put together and professional lady today.



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