I had planned to sit down in December and make a long list of goals I wanted to accomplish each month in 2013. I thought this type of goal setting would be easier to achieve instead of having a ton of new years resolutions because I would be making smaller, easier goals that I could hold myself accountable to. Well, January came and left, and I still have yet to sit down to make my 2013 monthly goals. However, while I didn't actually set any goals to accomplish last month, I was offered some amazing opportunities and accomplished some huge milestones without really meaning to. Every weekend in January was filled with photo shoots, something I've been wanting to schedule and do for the past year, and I officially launched my own
photography website and
facebook page. While pursing photography has always a dream of mine, it wasn't something I thought I was ready to jump into quite yet, mainly because I was intimidated by the thousands of other photographers and scared to put myself out there. Luckily, these opportunities kind of fell into my lap and instead of being nervous, I ran with them.
So, moral of the story is, even though I didn't start off the year as I had planned, I'm so happy with how this year has been going and I'm so excited for whatever else life throws at me this year. I will probably end of setting some monthly goals for myself in the near future (let's be real, I probably won't get around to it in July/August) but for now, here are a couple of things I want to do in February:
1. Make lovely valentines day cards like this one to send to friends near and far (
2. Finish editing photos from this cutie's 1 year old photo shoot from last weekend (and get ready to photograph his first birthday party in March!)
3. Carry my camera with my everywhere so I can capture pretty pictures like this one
4. Finally make our coffee table after storing the hairpin legs in my closet for the past 4 months (
Do you have anything you want to accomplish this month? I'd love to hear about them!
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