Contemplating switching out the color scheme that's based off this pillow. Too big of a project? Too soon?
A vintage, San Francisco themed calendar for 2013
Our collection of travel books makes me want to travel
A vintage bottle from the San Anselmo Bottling Company that Jack scavenged from his parents basement
Today I worked from home, which means I got to take pictures around the apartment with natural light (a rarity considering our apartment only gets light in the front room and, based on where our apartment is located, we only get about 3 hours of natural light a day). I'm finally starting to feel like our apartment is ours- we've added little trinkets and collections that has made this little place our home, and while it will always be a work in progress, (I'm already getting the itch for redecorating!) right now I dig it.
By the way, I'm thinking about starting a themed feature highlighting five things from a day/place/event/what I'm feeling like that second. We'll see how it goes :).
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