
July 28, 2012

view from my kitchen window. yep, pretty awesome

Last night we went to North Beach Pizza, which is a block from our houses, and on the walk home I started to realize how much I love North Beach and how much I'm going to miss it. Sure, it's really touristy, but the reason it is is because it's such an awesome neighborhood. There are so many fun things to do in this area, so many fun memories associated with the streets and shops, and I know this neighborhood will forever remind me of my first years of being a big girl and living in a big city. So, on the eve of the big move, here's a toast to my favorite memories of the past two years and this wonderful neighborhood that has become my first real home.

My favorite things about my time living in North Beach:

+ the feeling of accomplishment every time I climb up three flights of stairs just to get into our apartment

+ the sound of the barking seals down at Fisherman Wharf and the blaring fog horns from big boats on the bay every morning

+ the tuesday morning Tsunami test warning bell that freaks me out every time I work from home

+ comfy cozy snuggling on the sofa catching up on hours of TV on Sunday with the roomie

+ cooking dinner during the golden hour when the sun glistens through our windows and fills our humongous kitchen with soft light

+ new years day and birthday brunches crowded around our kitchen table chatting about the night before and feasting on delicious treats

+ the easy 2 block walk to our favorite sushi hold-in-the-wall for all-you-can-eat sushi date nights

+ sunday afternoons at Washington Square playing ladder golf, laying in the sun, and munching on Tony's Pizza

+ running up the street to Coit Tower for sunset watching

+ our favorite gelateria down the street where they wear the cool neon bike hats that Jack always wanted to steal

+margarita pitchers, endless chips and guacamole, and lobster date night dinners for two at Don Pistos

+ the way too old asian folks doing exercises every morning in Washington Square. My favorite: the digging dog. ( just try to visualize it, it is exactly as it sounds)

+ the Bay to Breaker pre-party in Washington Square when "Call Me Maybe" came on over loud speakers and 100+ people dressed as rainbows started dancing and singing like crazy

+seriously struggling to push a huge Christmas tree up our stairs and then spending the afternoon wrapping empty boxes for presents and overdecorating our apartment with Christmas decorations. It looked like Santa puked all over our apartment, but we loved it.

+Stealing roommates clothes and dancing to party jams while getting ready to go out. For some reason I don't think I'll be borrowing too many of Jack's clothes for going out..

Farewell North Beach. See you soon


  1. Gorgeous view! Sounds like fun times at North Beach :) I can totally relate to living on the third floor in an apartment! It sucked moving and especially moving out, haha. Hope your move to your new place is going well!

  2. it sure is very nostalgia leaving a place that we've been used too. I lived on the seventh floor for a while. but i was living with myself with some roomies and i didn't have any furniture with me. just me and my traveling bag. for months.


  3. I can't believe that view is from your kitchen window. No wonder you are sad to leave! It's nice to meet you!

  4. oh my gosh, that picture is gorgeous, such a beautiful view!! lucky, i'm so jealous!



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