As I've mentioned a couple of times, I try to eat gluten-free whenever I can. Emphasis on try. My stomach likes me much more when I do eat gluten-free, but sometimes it's just too hard for me to resist when a nice fat slice of pizza is staring me in the face. Or, when a delicious pastry is begging me to gobble it up- those are the ones that really get me. For those of you that have tried to be gluten-free before, I'm sure you will agree that gluten-free pastry attempts usually taste like gravel compared to a delicious gluten-filled bear claw. I had yet to discover a yummy gluten-free morning dessert until I made this recipe this weekend. Chewy, soft, delicious- they are everything I love about gluten-filled food except my stomach was high-fiving me instead of kicking me in the ribs after I ate a whole plate of them. Plus, when they are paired with yummy hot chocolate they are the perfect solution for rainy day blues.
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