oh HEY

August 13, 2012

before & after. WE'RE MOVING! new apt essentials. nights spent untangling & girling out while the boy is gone. 

I'm back. Got me some internet and I'm ready to ppaarrttayyy. I took an unexpected blogging break while I tried to move my life from one big apartment into a new little home with my best fran. The past two weeks have been pretty much consumed with unpacking boxes, organizing and then reorganizing every nook and cranny, trying to figure out how to decorate, and trying not to miss Jack too much. This past week he was in Arkansas for a leadership conference and I did NOT like being alone, but thank the heavens he came home Thursday night and we spent the weekend groovin at Outside Lands!!! Much more to come this week on the festival and the new place, but for now here's an insta-dump to keep you occupied. ENJOY!

Also, thoughts on the new layout? Not in love with the header but I'm getting there...



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