Thank you for providing a warm and safe place for my behind for the last three days. Being sick is no fun, but it's much better curled up in a big blanket on a comfy sofa. You rock.
Dear Game of Thrones,
Despite the fact that I've been having terrifying nightmares of being brutally tortured and/or killed by White Walkers, I still love you. I am so glad I'm finally caught up and can't wait to see what horrific turn your plot might bring next week.
Dear Weather,
Right on, dude. You have been providing us with ample sunshine the last 5 days and I'm loving it ( that's right, I just sang that out loud to the McDonalds tune when I wrote that). Now just keep it up, I would love to be able to take some park naps in the sun this weekend. Thank you kindly.
Dear Raspberries,
I always forget how amazingly delicious you are. You remind me of bare feet and summer nights and fireflies. I also love your luscious color, it might be my favorite right now. Thank you for reminding me that summer is right around the corner!
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