ADVENTURES IN THE KITCHEN: a five course meal

May 10, 2012

I have a problem with chicken. I do not like it, but for some reason I always try to make it just in case my taste buds decide to change their mind. But for some reason we just don't get along. I do, however, LOVE chicken drumsticks. LOVE them. I feel like a pirate whenever I eat them, and who doesn't want to be a pirate? However, my lack of cooking skills has led me to never be able to successfully make drumsticks. You'd think they'd be easy, right? WRONG. Last time I tried to fry them and ended up setting off the fire alarm and almost burning the house down, only to be left with burnt chicken skin with raw chicken underneath. I guess that's what you get when you ignore your super savvy chef of a dad growing up and instead spent hours on AIM talking to your boyfriend of the week (does AIM even exist anymore? those were the days...)

Short story even shorter, I attempted to make drumsticks for dinner last night. And, as a result of my random cooking spurt, I made an entire 5 course meal (mainly because I didn't take into account that green beens and rice take different amounts of time to cook). Not only was I successful, but it was deeeelectable if I do say so myself. I'm quite proud of my little feast and happy to be able to be closer to crossing off number 9 on my 24 before 25 list.


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