thank you notes

May 3, 2012

Dear BFF at work,
Thank you for putting on that awesome hat in 711 the other day and making me laugh till I almost cried. You sure do know how to rock a cowboy hat/ fedora like no other. Our adventures are just the greatest.

Dear Starbucks Instant Coffee,
While I do not prefer you over regular coffee, you sure do know how to do the trick at 4pm when I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, so thank you. I will ignore the fact that you leave me with a weird aftertaste of a mixture of metal and burritos.

Dear White Old Volvo Car with the Red Interior,
You have done me well over the last million years of your existence in my family, thank you.We've had some good times (remember that long drive up from LA when I drove without my hands for a solid 5 minutes so I could eat a 20 piece chicken mcnugget meal, which, mind you, is a feat in itself) and some bad ( I'm still mad at you for breaking down on the middle of the bay bridge in rush our traffic). But let's be heat? no radio? And now there's a constantly clicking noise that comes from who knows where? Not. Cool. It's time for you to go.

Dear Large Mason Jar Glass,
Thank you for making me feel like I'm in a meadow having a picnic wearing a prairie skirt whenever I drink out of you. And thank you for being recognizable to anyone in the office so they bring me my water glass when I leave it at the water cooler (which is always). I've always wanted my own water delivery service.



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