Daddy's Girl

June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to the best father in the whole world!

Thank you for teaching me how to be a caring and compassionate friend, and for teaching me that not being in the "best friend club" of the week isn't the worst thing to happen, even though it usually seems like it at the time.

Thank you for always supporting my dreams and inspiring me to dedicate myself to what I'm passionate about.

Thank you for letting me make my own mistakes, and being there to rub my back and assure me it will be okay when I fail.

Thank you for teaching me how to work hard and for dedicating your life to making sure we are happy and safe. I hope to someday be able to mirror that selflessness with my own children.

And not the mention, you are the worlds best rock out back up air guitar player I've ever seen.

Rock on, paps. Love you to the tippy top of the sky and back one hundred million billion times. 


  1. Aw, what a sweet post. Love that photo, too!

    1. thanks! I look like a little gremlin but my dad sure did know how to rock the mustache!!

  2. I just love this! It's such a beautiful post!



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