the little things

September 10, 2012

Sometimes things are hard. Sometimes I let my mind get all wound up and stressed, worried about where I should be with my life instead of where I am. Sometimes I think too much about my next steps instead of thinking about the present. Sometimes I don't appreciate the good things in life.

But this weekend I didn't. I didn't fret, I didn't worry, I didn't stress. This weekend I had a moment of complete contentment where I realized I'm the happiest I've been in a whole long while. I live in a grown up apartment and do grown up things like cook healthy meals and do laundry. I have a job where I get to help people and still be able to pay rent. I get to eating pancakes for breakfast whenever I want. I have the freedom to go on spontaneous trips to visit far away friends because I miss them. I get to spend all my free time with my the love of my life. I can hop in my car and drive a short distance to see my family whenever I feel like it.  I finally feel in control of my life, and get to make the choices I want to make and do what I want to do. It's the little moments like this that makes me realize that no matter how stressed or frazzled  I get about the future, it's important to take a second to remember that things are pretty dang great right now.


  1. Yeah, live in the moment..what's more practical than that?
    the Picablocks

  2. I love this. I agree with you. life is too short not to enjoy it! Even if it's just the little things we can enjoy and appreciate, its still worth enjoying and appreciating.

  3. You are right! Enjoy every moment. I find that we so often wish for and eagerly wait for what's next that we miss out on the now. You will never have another today. Do wish your life away- take charge. I love this post. It is a good reminder!

  4. i agree! whenever i get weekends with my husband i step back and remember to enjoy it all. i completely log off and disregard things for awhile and just enjoy

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  5. seriously not stressing is so much easier said than done! happy you could just take a break from it and enjoy the moment!

  6. I love this post and I totally agree!

  7. I'm glad you're a little less stressed! I think we all forget about the little things that are really important on occasion. Thanks for the reminder to watch out what I should really be grateful for!

  8. yayyyy for no stress! it is THE greatest!

  9. This is a great post. Very insightful, and yet still sweet. I love it, and your blog :)

  10. Those moments when someone, for the first time in forever, gets you>>>>

    Thank you.



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