times they are a-changin'

November 26, 2012

It was one of those special moments you share with a parent that I will never forget. My dad and I, sitting on the back porch attempting to harmonize with our awfully out of tune voices to "The Times They Are A-Changin'" by Bob Dylan. After begging and pleading I convinced him to re-string his old acoustic guitar so he could teach me how to play. My mom and sister were in the house, minding their own business, so it was just me and him back there without a care in the world. It may have been the way the late november sun was streaming through the redwood trees, or the fact that we were all back together, but there was something about that moment and those lyrics that really got me. I felt so special to be singing with our awfully out of tune voices and felt like a little girl again looking at my papa with admiration as he whipped out another one of his amazing talents. It was one of those moments that I'll look back on 30 years from now and remember it as a moment of being complete and utterly happy.


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