from where I run {a mile a day}

November 1, 2012

I have always struggled to have a work out routine. Ever since high school, where I played soccer every day, I've had a hard time finding a regimen that interests me and keeps me wanting to work out. I'm lucky that I don't have to work out for weight reasons, but as I grow older I've found that I wake up sore and tight, consequences of being out of shape. I wish more than anything that I liked to work out, but it's one of those things that I just can't do.

I recently found this lovely lady's amazing blog and was instantly inspired, in many ways besides just working out. She is so crafty and an amazing artist, and you can bet you'll be seeing some of her DYI attempts here. But aside from that she is extremely hard working and dedicated, something I'm still trying to teach myself to be. She has a whole section on setting goals for herself, and from this I've been inspired to try to set goals for myself- particularly in the working out area. Last year, she ran one mile every day for a month. Tired, energized, sick- no matter how she felt she made sure to run one mile every day.

This, I think I can do. One mile. Every day. For one month. From Nov. 1st to December 1st, I WILL run one mile a day. It will take dedication and motivation, but I feel that if I can do this, I can prove to myself that I can stick to something for longer than two weeks, that I have the dedication and willpower that I've always struggled with. Plus, I'm signed up for a 5K in the middle of November so this will help me "train". In order to stay motivated, I'm going to take a tip from Elise and photograph something every run to create a cool motivational collage. While I won't be sharing all the photos here, I'll be giving spontaneous updates and you can see the photos on instagram at @annaemarks.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck darlin! Recently ive discovered the same thing. That i needed more exercise in my life. And having a set schedule really helps, let me tell ya. I have set aside an hour of my day on wednesdays in the afternoon, to run around my block. And on Mondays i have a running buddy and we basically run around the whole park, walking at times, until it gets dark. It really helps running somewhere beautiful and with someone. And schedules, they help a lot too. I know i wouldnt get it done w/o them.

  2. thats 10-12 miles A DAY. easy peasy.
    you got this!!

    xo the egg out west.



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