fall back

November 2, 2012

I can't tell you how many times I've been pressed for a tight deadline or been running around wishing I could add an extra hour to my day to get things done.Well, this Sunday I get my wish! Thanks to daylight savings  we'll get an extra hour to our Sunday, but since I don't expect my Sunday to be crazy busy I'll have an extra hour to do whatever I what. But what to do with that extra hour?? The possibilities are endless.

I could do some fall crafty projects like this

or even ride one of these

but most likely I'll be doing this.

What are you plans for your free extra hour?

Happy weekend!!!


  1. those gluten free pumpkin cupcakes look AMAZING.
    your blog is amazing! i love your design and your posts are so wonderful!


  2. The candle craft!!! It has my name in it. ahhh i have to do this.



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