currently // 02

May 7, 2012

We spent this weekend at Lake San Antonio for Jack's half ironman triathlon (which he rocked by the way) but I somehow got some sort of stomach bug yesterday and spent the entire day in the medical tent geting IVs and trying to figure out what was wrong with me (needless to say I was slightly embarrassed for getting that much attention when people were coming in with broken feet and sun stroke from the race. oops.) So, here's what I'm currently doing:

stuck in bed all day catching up on Game of Thrones ( my new absolutely favorite show) and trying to recover.

to the drum line practice from down the street ( we live close to a middle school and they always practice in their tennis courts after school.) Surprisingly they are not too shabby!

pb&j sandwich. for some reason pb&j always makes me feel better when i'm sick! ( without the crust, of course)

I was not feeling like I was about to die. that would be great.

jack will hurry home to take care of me- he is always the best at making me feel better when I'm sick!

about all the things I wish I could be doing instead of staying in bed this beautiful Monday. I can't wait to upload all my pictures from the race (more to come later) and wish I could be out enjoying the sun!


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