
April 30, 2012

Going along with my 24 before 25 list, I tried to think of what would make me more inclined to post more on my blog and I realized I still don't know really why I'm blogging. I guess I love reading blogs and love taking pictures, so I figure I would join in on the fun and share my photos and ideas with others. However, I realize I need more structure and need to have a focus on what I post about. This has definitely turned into more of a "lifestyle" blog instead of just solely photography like I intended, so I hope to develop more of a personal style based on what I post and what I read on other blogs. So, I've decided to take bits and pieces of ideas from other blogs and mash them with my own to create a ( hopefully) weekly schedule of blogposts. Stay tuned for more details on the exact plan ( still working that out), but for now I'll leave you with some current thoughts:

avoiding doing actual work today by refreshing the blog and coming up with really awesome ideas of how to make it amazing :)

Call Me Maybe. Sorry I'm not sorry. ( It's becoming a daily ritual to play CMM at 4pm in our little cubicle and have a dance party. We gotta have something to look forward to...)

popcorn. It's 4'clock, duh.

we were taking naps in the sun at the park like yesterday. Only 4.3 more days to go until the weekend...

 the sloppy joes I made for dinner will still be good as leftovers tonight. Yes I am lazy and yes I eat like a 7 year old.

about next weekend - Jack and friends are doing the Wildflower Triathlon next weekend at Lake San Antonio ( which is absolutely GORGEOUS) and we get to camp and hang in the sun and cheer really loudly and scream ridiculous things to keep the boys motivated. My favorite cheer from past races: " RIP THEIR FACES OFF!" It has a proven effect to motivate the boys while simultaneously terrifying the opponents. win win for us. 


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