Good Reads 02 // Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

April 14, 2014

When I think of a book I strongly associate the what I was feeling at that time with how I felt about the book. For example, when I think about the Harry Potter series,  I'm reminded of when I was 24 and miserable in my then job and how I used to get home, draw a bath, open a bottle of wine, and spend hours rereading my favorite childhood books, buried deep in a magical world that helped me escape the dreariness of my day. Books transport me to unknown worlds and past places, allowing me to ignite my imagination and create an alternate world with my mind.

As I confessed earlier, I'm obsessed with Mr. Penumbra's 24th-Hour Bookstore. Maybe it's the fact that it's based in San Francisco and makes me realize how cool this city really is, or the fact that it make you thing extremely hard about the relationship between modern day technology and century old written word, but pretty much any person that loves stories and books will enjoy this read. I really can't say any more than I already have because it'll just give it away, but it's a pretty easy read with relatable characters and and intriguing plot, so just do yourself a favor and put the book on hold at your closest library or order it now on amazon. Seriously.


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