24 before 25 update

November 7, 2012

So I might have been a little ambitious when I created this list... Find a new career? go on a tropical vacation? become a master yogi? Com'on.....

While I know I won't be able to accomplish all of these goals in the next five months, I do want to make serious progress on a couple (the ones in purple).
  1. learn how to sew (and finally make my sister that yoga bag shes been begging for) making progress..
  2. get better at updating my blog 
  3. learn about graphic design
  4. learn web design
  5. invest in photoshop or lightroom finally got lightroom, and i LOVE it!
  6. do at least one photo project each month
  7. become a master yogi (or at least get to where I can touch my toes)
  8. shadow a wedding photographer
  9. be more adventurous with my cooking (or maybe just learn how to cook..) making progress...
  10. learn how to knit and make a scarf
  11. reteach myself the guitar and be able to play "blackbird" again
  12. visit friends in Chicago
  13. find a job that I enjoy and want to make into a career
  14. establish a substantial savings account
  15. stock up on Giants gear so I finally have an appropriate wardrobe for SF purchasing today at lunch
  16. fly a kite (I don't think I ever did this as a kid, might as well now that I live in windy SF!)
  17. furnish an apartment with my boy :)
  18. take the CBEST
  19. learn how to successfully wear lipstick without looking like a clown
  20. run a 10K signed up for the middle of November!
  21. learn more about my mom and dad's pasts 
  22. expand my camera gear collection to include at least one more lens
  23. go on a tropical vacation
  24. plan the ultimate European trip

Man, I sure do have a lot to do....


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