a photo a day {gridlock}

March 13, 2012

Today I came across a very interesting story of a man named Jamie Livingston who was an unknown photographer who took a Polaroid photography every day of his life from March 31, 1979 until the day he died on October 25, 1997. The photos range from portraits of friends and families to random interactions on the street to photos of him in the hospital. It's a story of a man who kept a visual record of every day of his life, documenting everything from minuscule details to massive events, and created a unique view of the world through his eyes. It's fascinating to be able to look at the photos as a whole and seeing the story of his life unfold through pictures instead of words. I think this is an amazing way to document your life- so, long story short, from this day on I'm going to take at least photo a day so I can look back on each photo and remember at least one moment of that day. 


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