indian summer

October 10, 2012

This weekend it was a whopping 85 degrees in San Francisco... Summer's finally here! And what did I do during this gorgeous weekend? I went shopping for fall attire of course! And boy am I happy with my loot: sweaters and vests galore, jeans and corduroys for every occasion, and even a pretty little dress. Mama is a happy girl.

We did enjoy some of the pretty weather outside with a little rainbow sunset time on top of Mount Tam. We drove to the top of East Peak to a little lookout hut that had stunning 360 views of the Bay Area- from Mount Diablo with the moon rising over the East Bay, to San Francisco with the fog rolling in, to a fogged in GORGEOUS sunset to the west. And little did we know it was also the harvest moon, so it was a double treat. It. was. breathtaking.


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