Red Rocks: Exploring Zion National Park

June 3, 2013

We finished off our Utah trip by driving down to Zion National Park to camp and explore for a few days. I had never been to a desert-like climate- I'm used to redwoods and the coast- and I was absolutely floored by the beauty of this park. My words won't do this place justice, and unfortunately I spent most of our stay with my eyes wide open and not behind my camera lens, so these photos won't do the park justice either. So basically you are just going to have to visit Zion for yourself, and I'll tell you, it will be worth it. This place is unlike any place I've ever visited- red mountains towering hundreds of feet above you; walking through the rive between a sliver of canyons; hot, dry heat scorching your skin; watching the shadow of one mountain peak slowly creep up the other mountain front at sunset; 90 degree weather at 9pm; lounging in the river after a long days hike with the red rocks surrounding you- it felt like a dream. I can't wait to go back. 

Check out my instagram for a few photos from the day hikes we did (Angel's Landing, The Narrows): @annaemarks


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Man, I love it out west. I'm an East Coast girl through and through... and maybe that's why I go positively nuts over mountains and deserts and anything very un-D.C. Love!



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