Married: Jenny + Patrick

July 30, 2013

There is no happier feeling then watching two friends promise their lives and hearts to one another. Jenny and Patrick are two of the sweetest, kindest, and most fun loving people I have ever met, and being able to celebrate their love together is something I'll cherish my whole life.

Jenny was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, hands down. She hid the dress from family and friends until the day of and finally seeing her step into her gorgeous gown made all of us shed a tear or two. This is a girl who can rock any spandex, animal print, fanny-pack-adorned outfit like no other, but the second she turned around to us in her breathtaking dress with her big "I'm getting married today!" smile, she looked like the most natural, amazing bride there every was. I'm pretty sure I told her she looked like a princess at least a million times.

In true Jenny and Patrick fashion, we took the coolest transportation possible to the ceremony; a yellow school bus. We sang their specially made wedding song, created by Jenny's amazing family, which went a little something like this... "Going to the Sutro, and they're, gunnna get marrriiieedd... Jenny and Patrick are in looovveee" (followed by about five different verses. It was adorable). 

Jenny planned the entire event by herself (with the help of her amazing family and wedding party of course) and the ceremony was at Sutro Heights Park, which was a gorgeous venue covered in Monterey Cypress trees and overlooking the beach. As they said their vows the sun broke through the clouds over the ocean as birds flew in celebration above them and it was beyond magical. Then they walked hand and hand down the aisle, her in her cowgirl boots and him in his orange converse, and it was hard not to be overly ecstatic for their future together.

Jenny and Patrick, I wish you two the best of luck and can't wait to reminisce about this amazing day at you 50th anniversary when we are old and grey. Congratulations!

more photos can be found here 

*Disclaimer: I was just a guest at this wedding and give many thanks to the photographer, Sarah Dawson, for letting me follow her around and shoot over her shoulder!


  1. looks like a really fun wedding! lovely photos

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