Sundance Fundance

January 25, 2013

I had zero expectations going into Sundance except seeing a couple of famous people and maybe seeing one movie, and I'm glad I didn't because it wasn't anything I could have expected. Leading up to the week I was mainly just excited to show Jack our new house and have a little vacation from the world, and didn't really think about the festival that much until we got there. I was unprepared for how the town completely transformed into a Hollywood get-a-way that was overrun by wanna-be hipsters and aspiring filmmakers. I have to admit, I got a little snobby after a couple of days seeing girls in short skirts and high heels walking around, and might have shouted whispered at some of them to "get out of my town". Park City is in no way "my town", but I felt protective after seeing it semi-destroyed by Hollywood.

Despite my initial snobbery, we had such a blast. We relaxed most days, waiting in the longest lines for numerous hours, walking around town to experience the vibe, and even attended a couple of industry parties. One of our friends is a manager in the industry and got us on the list for a party in Deer Valley that just so happened to be sponsored by Jumpin Jammerz, onesie pajamas for adults (which is pretty much the best invention ever.. who doesn't want all over warmth and comfort??) I somehow found my way into a seductive pair of leopard printed footy pajamas and dance the night away (and apparently got groped...)

 We also attended a party for a new short that is premiering at SXSW called They Die By Dawn, which is the first all black cowboy movie. They showed the trailer, which looks awesome, and we ended the night grooving with some soul sisters and feeling completely inadequate in the dance moves department. We probably looked like the biggest white kids with two left feet, but I don't care because I got to wear a cowboy hat and give people the finger guns all night.

We did see one movie (after three wait-list attempts) and saw a couple of famous peopled (love me some Joseph Gordon Levitt  but besides that we pretty much hung around the house, played lots and lots of cards, and went on a million snowy hikes. We were there for SIX whole days which was such a treat, and I feel so recharged after such a relaxing week.


  1. ahhh ive always wanted to go to sundance!! looks like such a blast!



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