Marks Family Olive Harvest

November 29, 2012

Every year the Marks clan gets together to help Grandma harvest her olive orchard so she can make the most delicious fresh olive oil. As I mentioned in this post, it's always such a treat to be able to spend time with my grandma, and this time was no exception. Not only did she host at least fifteen family members and friends, but she made us a delicious feast as well! Cousins, aunts and uncles came from all across California (and Oregon!) to be here for the special day, and we lucked out with absolutely gorgeous weather. Needless to say, we had a blast (with only a few complaints) helping grandma harvest her precious crop. 


And, to make the day even better, the President sent my grandma a delicious birthday cake! She was quite surprised :)

It was such a joy to be able to spend the day together and celebrate not only the great crop but our favorite lady's (surprise) birthday. I can't wait until we're all together again next year. (Except I can, because my back and arms are still killing me... picking is hard work!)


  1. What a wonderful and unique experience to have! Seems like such an interesting process! Beautiful images by the way! :)

  2. Beautiful photos from what looks like such a magical place.

  3. Wow! A cake from Barack thats awesome! My great grandma got a letter from the Queen on her 100th birthday, it's quite rewarding to have someone that important recognize you! Great post

    Summer x



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