a mile a day update

November 14, 2012

Two weeks into the month and I can proudly say I've run one mile every day so far. And surprisingly, it's been pretty easy. I'm excited to run each day and find cool new pictures to take from the run (I'm not sure if I like the running part or if I just the taking pictures...) but regardless it's gotten me out of the house on cold, brisk mornings, a sick day where I didn't leave the sofa until 5 pm, and evenings after long, excruciating days at work. I've never felt this sense of empowerment before (as sad as that sounds) but I really do feel like I could do anything. So far this little goal making project has really encouraged me to stay dedicated to something for longer than a week. I'm excited to find new routes with new views, push myself a little further and faster each day, and keep trying to stay dedicated to this goal. Thank you for all of your support!!
follow along on instagram @annaemarks


  1. Love the pictures! Hope you stay motivated to keep running! love the blog :)

  2. you'll be running a marathon in no time ;/

    xo the egg out west.

  3. What a great goal for November. I get a little lazy when it gets cold out, and something like this might be just what I need to get off the couch after work.



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