farmer's market

October 30, 2012

This past weekend my Mom and I visited my sister at college for the day and she showed us around her local farmers market. We had a blast looking at all the fresh produce, watching the adorable kids in their Halloween costumes run around, and enjoying some delicious apple juice that's pretty much the best thing I've ever tasted. Despite the 82 degrees weather, there was definitely a feeling of fall in the air. It was so good to see my baby seester and spend some quality family time with my favorite girls. 


  1. I love visiting the farmers market! These photos look pretty similar to the one I go to on Saturday, with the baskets and abundance of fresh food :)

  2. Agh, aren't farmers markets the best? Glad you got to visit your sister. That apple juice looks divine!!

  3. Nothing like farmers market for a perfect weekend! Lovely photos. :)

    Tamara's Blend



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