You know those weekends where you laze around the house and do nothing for hours on end? This was definitely not one of those weekends. We were super productive and busy (in a good way) all weekend and accomplished a ton, plus we had some fun too!
Friday night we celebrated my dear friend's birthday with a family style Chinese food bender at our favorite hole in the wall place. Shenanigans included sticky mustaches, wearing sunglasses at night, and music videos on repeat.
Saturday we played a Bocce Ball fundraising tournament and it was a BLAST. Last year we got 2nd place out of around 30 teams (yeah, we are awesome at Bocce Ball) but this year we slacked and didn't even make it to the 2nd round. I will, however, toot my own horn by bragging about my Bocce skills. Seriously, if they had Bocce Ball as an Olympic sport I think I'd be a serious contender. I can roll a mean ball and have some stellar aim. Just sayin.
We then spent the evening making a HUGE gourmet meal (a huge salad, risotto, salmon and green beans... YUM!) and then spontaneously decided to go to the movies and made it just in time to see the new Bourne Legacy movie (don't waste your time, the plot was dumb. And I usually love action/thriller/awesome-car-chase-scene-just-blew-up-a-huge-building type movies.)
Sunday we were supposed to go out on a huge army boat through Jack's work to watch the America's Cup finals but the boat left early and we missed it. We took advantage of a free day by heading over to the Treasure Island Flea Market (it was AMAZING!), ran some errands, and picked up some things for the apartment.
All in all, an amazing weekend spent with my favorites. Now back to the grind... only 5 more days until Labor Day Weekend!! Hope everyone had wonderful weekends as well!
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