life by phone

May 25, 2012

sunset on the city
some stellar and synchronized dance moves
a hot dog doing somersaults in the park. naturally
after 5 attempts, I finally mastered the front side braid
homemade yummy pizza
love me some irises
go giants go
chubby baby knees are the best

Off to Ashland, Oregon this weekend for my lovely cousins wedding. I can't wait to spend time with the fam and celebrate this special day, weddings always make me so giddy and excited! Photos and recaps galore to come on Monday. Hope everyone does tons of barbecue-ing and goes on lots of adventures this weekend!


  1. iPhones.... boy are they magical! Love your photos!


  2. awesome photos!

    I have an ongoing giveaway on my blog, please join! :) xx Miss Beatrix (



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