Oh hi hey there
February 22, 2015
Oh hey there. Remember when I used to blog? I spent a good few hours re-reading my past blog posts from the last few years of my life, and it saddens me that I haven't recorded the last year through this medium. Needless to say, it was a crazy freaking year of my life. My last post was in May when I quit my job and threw myself full time into photography while also trying to plan my own wedding. Silly me. I was way in over my head, going through crazy spurts of productivity and anxiety and obsessively followed by months of "I don't give a f*** what happens" and then circling around to "HOLY MOLY THE WEDDING IS SO SOON!". It was a roller coaster. Thankfully, I have the BEST family that literally spent the last year slaving over our backyard making it the most beautiful wedding location I have ever witnessed. But more on that later.
Life, man. How do I even recap what's been up? It'll take a few weeks, nay, months, to get fully up to speed, but I hope that I can use this place to record what's happening in my life because I miss it. I miss this place to pour my heart and soul out when things get crazy or exciting or straight up boring. It's gone from being my portfolio for photography, to my record keeper of crazy adventures, to a place for musing and random memories. And to be honest, I love how it's turned out. I love looking back at posts and remembering EXACTLY how I felt and what I was experiencing at that time. So get ready, I'm baacccckkkkkkk.
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