Growing up, I never really knew what I wanted to be. Sure, I had dream careers - a teacher, an astronaut, and my favorite, a photographer for National Geographic- but when I entered college and had to think seriously about what I wanted to be, I was lost. I majored in international development studies, which allowed me to learn about world through a mix of different classes which I loved, but when I graduated I again felt lost because I didn't know what I wanted to do with that education. I went into nonprofit work, found out that it was not for me, and then jumped around for a bit trying to find myself. That's when I returned back to my originally dream of being a photographer. As I've mentioned approximately one million times on this blog, for the past year and a half I've been developing my professional photography portfolio. I've been offered unbelievable opportunities that have helped shape my view of what I want to do and who I am, and I've continually loved learning about and expanding my skills with photography. All of this to say that I am beyond thrilled to announce that I am now working full time on my photography business. It came to a point that I was overworking myself trying to build my business, plan my wedding, and work during the day, so I had to make the choice to cut something out. Since I was having to turn down photography opportunities because of my day job, it wasn't that hard to decide what to do, so I decided to take the plunge and dedicate myself toward pursuing my dreams. I always knew I wanted to be a photographer, but never thought it would actually happen. There are so many photographers out there and so many things to photograph that it's an incredibly intimidating profession. I thought that maybe when I had a family and more time I'd be able to explore photography deeper and maybe shoot family portraits or something. Never, and I mean never, did I think that I'd have a summer wedding season booked with seven weddings and constant inquiries about family shoots, portraits, interiors, and lifestyle work. It just shows how amazing it is to have a supportive and encouraging network of individuals who want to see you succeed. And I am eternally grateful for all my friends and family that have spread the word about my passion.
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