exciting news

July 13, 2012

At the beginning of the year Jack and I decided we were going to move in together in August. After two months of seriously searching high and low for the perfect apartment we found it. As soon as we both walked in we knew it was the perfect place for us- with an awesome sun deck with beautiful views of the city, big bay windows looking out on a quiet neighborhood street, walking distance from our favorite part of the city, beautiful unique finishes and all new appliances... it seemed too good to be true. But last night, after shmoozing the landlord at the open house, we got a call from him saying he wanted us to live there. HE CHOSE US! 

The San Francisco renting process is so competitive these days and small, dingy apartments will go for unbelievable amounts, so we are so so so lucky and happy to have found this amazing place in our price range. So, come August 1st Jack and I are packing up our stuff and moving into our first little home together, and we could not be more excited! Pictures and decorating brainstorms to come.


  1. Ooh! I'm so excited for you two! You're going to have a blast!

  2. such exciting news! my boyfriend just found out he can stay RENT FREE in this incredible jackson hole home. i might have to start taking my stuff over there and move in too!

  3. How exciting, congrats!! I remember when Tom and I first moved in together. Such fun! Waking up to the one you love everyday is really so amazing. :)

  4. YAAAAAY!!! i'm looking forward to lots of pictures :)



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